Workplace Experience Blog: 'The Works' | CXAI

The Future of Work is… NOW!

Written by Khurram Sheikh | Sep 17, 2024 12:58:46 AM

Last week, I was in New York City meeting with customers, partners, and industry analysts as well as attending the Forbes Future of Work Summit… from the glitzy Forbes offices in Lower Manhattan to the midtown jam-packed financial services leader’s office and the eclectic social media “home office” lookalike abodes in Union Square, there was one underlying theme: the future of work needs to happen now!

What is the Future of Work? Some obvious indicators that seem aligned with all leading thought leaders in the industry

  • Work is from anywhere
  • Employees are the most important stakeholders
  • AI needs to make work simpler and easier

As I crisscrossed NYC, meeting our customers and their actual deployments, all three above principles were in full visibility…

One of our customers has a flex work policy, yet I saw a full house on Wednesday where every conference room was taken, and many waiting in the hallways looking for an empty room or venting about someone “hogging” an eight-person room. The site manager was in awe of the room booking features with the CXAI app to be one click or command away from a desired outcome.

As I traveled to my midtown customers, I could sense a lot of anxiety about meeting last-minute demands. The site manager was “hair on fire,” trying to accommodate executive last-minute visits while keeping the regulars in their allocated desks on site. He was enthused when we showed him the CXAI VU analytics platform to provide him not only a spatial distribution of his booking this week but also a prediction tool where we can project the demand model as well as the adjustments necessary to make it a useful experience for regular and “traveling visitors”.

The most interesting conversation was with a new employee who we met up on their first day in the office! Quite a day for this person, as she had challenges navigating where to park and where to find her team… showing her the CXAI integrations and immersive map made the second half of her day so much easier… she loved that fact that she could self-guide herself through the company offices and the digital sea of information at her fingertips…

As I am penning this blog, a newswire just came in regarding Amazon CEO Andy Jassy’s new directive for return to the office (RTO) all five days a week beginning January 2025. The reaction from the employee base will be interesting to observe, although Amazon is in the minority of companies trying to enforce RTO mandates. No matter if you have an RTO mandate or not, keeping alignment between company objectives and employee productivity is a key priority for any CEO. One of the key insights of the Forbes event last week was that the real estate or HR executive responsible for employee experiences would be the last person on the executive team getting the attention of the CEO – now it is the complete opposite as the CEO seeks leaders to help them with the digital transformation impacting the workspace and their most precious asset: the employee.

And this is exactly why we built CXAI (pronounced Sky).

At the heart of CXAI lies a simple yet powerful belief: put the employee first, and everything else follows. It's not just about the work; it's about the people who do it, the places where they come together, and the things they need to succeed. CXAI redefines how we think about work, life, and the seamless interplay between the two.

CXAI offers a unique value proposition for both employers and employees. For employers, it provides a streamlined, integrated application that caters to the needs of a modern, mobile-first workforce, simplifying daily operations while amplifying efficiency and innovation. For employees, CXAI promises a workday transformation—envisaging a scenario where every tool, every task, and every interaction is tailored to individual preferences, facilitated by a single, user-friendly platform.

CXAI is a unique enterprise employee experience platform that powers seamless connections across people, places, and things and enables a best-in-class workplace environment your people love. See the video here: 

The CXAI technology platform represents a shift toward an AI-centric approach to workplace innovation. CXAI seamlessly integrates customer experience (CX) with artificial intelligence (AI) focused on the employee to deliver solutions that transform the way work happens, making workspaces more intuitive and efficient leading to happier and more productive employees.


CXAI is a true enterprise solution designed for millions of users. It provides enterprise-grade security and supports over a hundred integrations with corporate systems.

These integrations enable large amounts of experiential data and feed CXAI’s powerful analytics tool, CXAI VU, suggesting new ways to improve employee productivity and engagement. From our millions of data points, we see some key trends being validated with our customers every day. The average worker spends around 1/3rd of their time in meetings or coordinating them. With the CXAI solution, all that extra time in coordinating can be automated with a few clicks or a few voice or text commands, turning complex schedules into simplified workflows.

So, where is the future of work? It is right here, right now, with CXAI!