Messaging that Keeps Employees Informed

Bulletin boards are dead. Your people are already inundated with unwanted emails. Reach them where they already are, with smarter, personalized and location-aware mobile notifications. 

Start Now

Platform  Features  Notifications & Proximity Messaging

Workplace Management,
HR, & IT Approved.

Unlock the full potential of your people, office space, and IoT resources to elevate your business performance.

Here’s how we address the key workplace challenges: 

Before CXAI

77% of employees 
are not fully engaged, costing the global economy US$8.9 trillion.

Source: Gallup

Office space utilization remains under 40% vs. 64% pre-pandemic.

Source: Gallup

13% Mere reported being fully satisfied with their workplace experience.

Source: Gallup



Workplace enthusiasm boost with a personalized app that helps people navigate their daily work lives.

Optimized use of office space with spatial mapping and experiential data. 

Simplified access to business-critical applications and actions on a single app.

Keep Your People in the Loop, No Matter Where They Are


Mobile Notifications for Your News

There’s so much you want to share with your people, but it can be so hard to reach them. With mobile notifications, you can use short, simple headlines to grab their attention and provide a direct gateway to the page, video or resource you want them to absorb. Send your people to their desired destination with one tap.

Tap Into It

Workplace Management,
HR, & IT Approved.

Unlock the full potential of your people, office space, and IoT resources to elevate your business performance.

Here’s how we address the key workplace challenges: 

Before CXAI

77% of employees 
are not fully engaged, costing the global economy US$8.9 trillion.

Source: Gallup

Office space utilization remains under 40% vs. 64% pre-pandemic.

Source: Gallup

13% Mere reported being fully satisfied with their workplace experience.

Source: Gallup



Workplace enthusiasm boost with a personalized app that helps people navigate their daily work lives.

Optimized use of office space with spatial mapping and experiential data. 

Simplified access to business-critical applications and actions on a single app.

Timely Location-Based Messaging

Every campus and city has its own rhythm. Ensure your people stay informed based on their local campus and region. Make sure they know what’s happening on campus on days they’re in the office, from peer-to-peer celebrations and daily specials on popular meals.  

Get Into It

Platform  Features  Notifications & Proximity Messaging (3)

Workplace Management,
HR, & IT Approved.

Unlock the full potential of your people, office space, and IoT resources to elevate your business performance.

Here’s how we address the key workplace challenges: 

Before CXAI

77% of employees 
are not fully engaged, costing the global economy US$8.9 trillion.

Source: Gallup

Office space utilization remains under 40% vs. 64% pre-pandemic.

Source: Gallup

13% Mere reported being fully satisfied with their workplace experience.

Source: Gallup



Workplace enthusiasm boost with a personalized app that helps people navigate their daily work lives.

Optimized use of office space with spatial mapping and experiential data. 

Simplified access to business-critical applications and actions on a single app.

Platform  Features  Notifications & Proximity Messaging (1)

Personalized & Targeted Messaging

Say no to systems that message everyone or no one - create as many custom targeting parameters based on location, department, subdivision and more, so you can ping employees based on your internal structures and needs. Let the right message, get to the right people, stat. 

Try It Out

Workplace Management,
HR, & IT Approved.

Unlock the full potential of your people, office space, and IoT resources to elevate your business performance.

Here’s how we address the key workplace challenges: 

Before CXAI

77% of employees 
are not fully engaged, costing the global economy US$8.9 trillion.

Source: Gallup

Office space utilization remains under 40% vs. 64% pre-pandemic.

Source: Gallup

13% Mere reported being fully satisfied with their workplace experience.

Source: Gallup



Workplace enthusiasm boost with a personalized app that helps people navigate their daily work lives.

Optimized use of office space with spatial mapping and experiential data. 

Simplified access to business-critical applications and actions on a single app.

Get Smoother, Smarter Corporate Comms with These Resources

{title=Hybrid Workplace Experience Journey, types={id=4, name='Infographic', order=3, label='Infographic'}, tags={name=null}, image=, snippet=Take a glimpse at how employees navigate the hybrid workplace journey from home to the office, link=, linkText=View Resource, newTab=1}
Hybrid Workplace Experience Journey
Hybrid Workplace Experience Journey Take a glimpse at how employees navigate the hybrid workplace journey from home to the office
{title=Internal Communication Stats & Trends To Consider, date=January 23, 2020, author=CXAI Team, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience, Workplace Trends], image=, snippet=When we think about workplace experience, often we go to tools, technology, leadership and other facets first that we want to fix or improve upon. Its not necessarily a given to reflect on your internal communications strategy., link=, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Internal Communication Stats & Trends To Consider
Blog Post Internal Communication Stats & Trends To Consider When we think about workplace experience, often we go to tools, technology, leadership and other facets first that we want to fix or improve upon. Its not necessarily a given to reflect on your internal communications strategy.
{title=The Connected Workplace Playbook, types={id=1, name='Ebook', order=0, label='Ebook'}, tags={name=null}, image=, snippet=See how enterprise mobile apps are quintessential for hybrid teams, link=, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}
The Connected Workplace Playbook
The Connected Workplace Playbook See how enterprise mobile apps are quintessential for hybrid teams

Instantly Share Corporate Comms with Your Global Workforce.

Your employees want to hear from you - make it easier for them to stay in-the-know with convenient, relevant mobile notifications and location-based messaging.

  1. Request a Demo

    Let our workplace experts know that you’d like to explore how the mobile notification and proximity-based messaging feature works in real-time.

  2. Get In Touch

    Our workplace experts will personally reach out to you to gain a better understanding of the corporate communication pain points you’d like to solve at your company.

  3. Guided Tour

    Explore every mobile notification and proximity-based messaging use case, aspect and integration of the Workplace SuperAppTM you’re curious about with your workplace advisor! 

Schedule a Demo

Workplace Management,
HR, & IT Approved.

Unlock the full potential of your people, office space, and IoT resources to elevate your business performance.

Here’s how we address the key workplace challenges: 

Before CXAI

77% of employees 
are not fully engaged, costing the global economy US$8.9 trillion.

Source: Gallup

Office space utilization remains under 40% vs. 64% pre-pandemic.

Source: Gallup

13% Mere reported being fully satisfied with their workplace experience.

Source: Gallup



Workplace enthusiasm boost with a personalized app that helps people navigate their daily work lives.

Optimized use of office space with spatial mapping and experiential data. 

Simplified access to business-critical applications and actions on a single app.