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{title=10 Functions for Workplace Technology, date=July 07, 2020, author=CXAI Team, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech, Return to Office], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/marten-bjork-6dW3xyQvcYE-unsplash.jpg, snippet=By now, everyone knows that the return to work — if it hasn't already happened for your business — will be an unprecedented process. The state of today's world demands a remarkably different work environment than the one we left., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/10-ways-the-cxapp-is-helping-offices-reopen, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}

10 Functions for Workplace Technology
By now, everyone knows that the return to work — if it hasn't already happened for your business — will be an unprecedented process. The state of today's world demands a remarkably different work environment than the one we left.
{title=3 Advantages of Desk Booking Software & Flexible Workspaces, date=September 15, 2020, author=CXAI Team, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Three%20Advantages%20of%20Desk%20Booking%20Software%20and%20Flexible%20Workspaces-2.png, snippet=Thanks to the current state of things, we're constantly faced with new protocols related to when and where we work. Whether that includes making a dedicated space for ourselves at home, finding an isolated area of an office, or somewhere else ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/three-advantages-of-desk-booking-software-and-flexible-workspaces, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}

3 Advantages of Desk Booking Software & Flexible Workspaces
Thanks to the current state of things, we're constantly faced with new protocols related to when and where we work. Whether that includes making a dedicated space for ourselves at home, finding an isolated area of an office, or somewhere else ...
{title=3 Key Benefits of Indoor Maps for Workplaces, date=January 27, 2021, author=CXAI Team, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Wayfinding%20%281%29.png, snippet=Our dependence on maps has grown to the extent we cannot navigate without them. We've gone from paper maps to digitized maps on devices that depend on GPS. This is all great for the outside world, but what's taking place inside corporate buildings? ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/benefits-of-indoor-maps-for-workplaces, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}

3 Key Benefits of Indoor Maps for Workplaces
Our dependence on maps has grown to the extent we cannot navigate without them. We've gone from paper maps to digitized maps on devices that depend on GPS. This is all great for the outside world, but what's taking place inside corporate buildings? ...
{title=3 Key Strategies for Employee Engagement in a Hybrid Workplace, date=March 11, 2023, author=CXAI Team, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work, Employee Engagement], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/3%20Key%20Strategies%20for%20Employee%20Engagement%20in%20a%20Hybrid%20Workplace.png, snippet=The expectations of the modern workplace have transformed in many ways over the past few years, but the most notable shift has been the move to hybrid work models. While hybrid work looks different for every company, a commonly shared challenge is ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/employee-engagement-strategies-hybrid-work, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}

3 Key Strategies for Employee Engagement in a Hybrid Workplace
The expectations of the modern workplace have transformed in many ways over the past few years, but the most notable shift has been the move to hybrid work models. While hybrid work looks different for every company, a commonly shared challenge is ...
{title=The Rise of the Workplace SuperApp, types={id=1, name='Ebook', order=0, label='Ebook'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/resources/the-rise-of-the-workplace-superapp-ebook/the-rise-of-the-workplace-superapp-ebook@2x.jpg, snippet=Learn about the emerging super app model for the workplace and how it will be the path to success for leading organizations, link=https://cxapp.com/resources/ebook/rise-of-the-workplace-superapp, linkText=View Resource, newTab=1}

The Rise of the Workplace SuperApp
Learn about the emerging super app model for the workplace and how it will be the path to success for leading organizations
{title=What's a Workplace Superapp?, types={id=8, name='Webinar', order=7, label='Webinar'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://cxapp.com/hubfs/Website%20-%20Resource%20Card%20-%20NFC%20and%20Bookable%20Spaces%20Brochure%20(1).png, snippet=What's a workplace superapp and how is it changing the world of work? Our Founder and CPO, Leon Papkoff and CTO, Adam Benson, share their insights., link=https://cxapp.com/events/webinars/what-is-a-workplace-superapp, linkText=View Resource, newTab=1}
What's a Workplace Superapp?
What's a workplace superapp and how is it changing the world of work? Our Founder and CPO, Leon Papkoff and CTO, Adam Benson, share their insights.
{title=Hybrid Workplace Mobile App, types={id=2, name='Brochure', order=1, label='Brochure'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/resources/The-Workplace-SuperApp-Brochure/LP%20-%20Featured%20Image%20-%20The%20Workplace%20SuperApp%20Brochure.png, snippet=See how you can improve workplace experience with a dedicated employee app, link=https://cxapp.com/resources/brochure/hybrid-workplace-mobile-app, linkText=View Resource, newTab=1}

Hybrid Workplace Mobile App
See how you can improve workplace experience with a dedicated employee app
{title=How Warner Bros. Discovery Created An Iconic Employee Experience, types={id=3, name='Success Story', order=2, label='Success Story'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/resources/warner-media-case-study@2x.jpg, snippet=How Warner Bros. Discovery improved workplace for 60k global employees, in studio, offices, and other locations, link=null, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}

How Warner Bros. Discovery Created An Iconic Employee Experience
How Warner Bros. Discovery improved workplace for 60k global employees, in studio, offices, and other locations
View Resource
{title=Hierarchy of Workplace Needs, types={id=7, name='Report', order=6, label='Report'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Light%20Cover%20Dark%20Background.png, snippet=Examine workplace experience through the five tiers of employee needs in our report., link=https://cxapp.com/resources/report/hierarchy-of-workplace-needs, linkText=View Resource, newTab=1}

Hierarchy of Workplace Needs
Examine workplace experience through the five tiers of employee needs in our report.
{title=Hybrid Workplace Experience Journey, types={id=4, name='Infographic', order=3, label='Infographic'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/resources/Hybrid-Workplace-Experience-Infographic/hybrid-workplace-experience-infographic@2x.jpg, snippet=Take a glimpse at how employees navigate the hybrid workplace journey from home to the office, link=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/resources/Hybrid%20Workplace%20Experience%20Infographic/Hybrid%20Workplace%20Experience%20Touchpoints.pdf, linkText=View Resource, newTab=1}

Hybrid Workplace Experience Journey
Take a glimpse at how employees navigate the hybrid workplace journey from home to the office
{title=Hybrid Workplace Mobile App, types={id=6, name='Video', order=5, label='Video'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/images/resources/card/Resource%20Tile%20-%20CXApp%20Trailer%20Video.png, snippet=Streamline desk booking, company info, news and more through a single mobile app to improve employee experience, link=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/resources/CXApp%20Mobile%20App%20Trailer/230309-cxapp-workplace-campus-v02.mp4, linkText=View Resource, newTab=1}

Hybrid Workplace Mobile App
Streamline desk booking, company info, news and more through a single mobile app to improve employee experience
{title=Workplace Technology Guide, types={id=1, name='Ebook', order=0, label='Ebook'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://cxapp.com/hubfs/assets/resources/Workplace-Technology-Guide/CXApp%20-%20Workplace%20Technology%20Guide%20-%20Featured%20Image.png, snippet=Use our Workplace Technology Guide to discover how technology can accelerate your hybrid workplace strategy., link=https://cxapp.com/resources/ebook/workplace-technology-guide, linkText=View Resource, newTab=1}

Workplace Technology Guide
Use our Workplace Technology Guide to discover how technology can accelerate your hybrid workplace strategy.
{title=Workplace Analytics, types={id=2, name='Brochure', order=1, label='Brochure'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/resources/workplace-analytics-brochure@2x.jpg, snippet=Discover how a cross-platform workplace analytics system will give you improved, actionable insights, link=https://cxapp.com/resources/brochure/workplace-analytics, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}

Workplace Analytics
Discover how a cross-platform workplace analytics system will give you improved, actionable insights
{title=Return to Office Planning Guide, types={id=1, name='Ebook', order=0, label='Ebook'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Website%20-%20Resource%20Card%20-%20Return%20to%20Office%20Planning%20Guide.png, snippet=Having the right strategy in place is key to a successful return to office., link=https://cxapp.com/resources/ebook/return-to-office-planning-guide, linkText=View Resource, newTab=1}

Return to Office Planning Guide
Having the right strategy in place is key to a successful return to office.
{title=State of Work eBook, types={id=1, name='Ebook', order=0, label='Ebook'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/resources/State-of-Work-eBook/Website%20-%20Resource%20Card%20-%20State%20of%20Work%20eBook.png, snippet=
Discover the top 3 initiatives to ensure a successful hybrid workplace.
, link=https://cxapp.com/resources/ebook/state-of-work, linkText=View Resource, newTab=1}
State of Work eBook
Discover the top 3 initiatives to ensure a successful hybrid workplace.
{title=NFC and Bookable Spaces, types={id=2, name='Brochure', order=1, label='Brochure'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/resources/NFC-and-Bookable-Spaces-Brochure/Website%20-%20Resource%20Card%20-%20NFC%20and%20Bookable%20Spaces%20Brochure.png, snippet=Discover how NFC tags interact with our Workplace SuperAppTM to create smoother booking experiences for hybrid employees., link=https://cxapp.com/resources/brochure/nfc-and-bookable-spaces, linkText=View Resource, newTab=1}

NFC and Bookable Spaces
Discover how NFC tags interact with our Workplace SuperAppTM to create smoother booking experiences for hybrid employees.
{title=Desk Booking for the Hybrid Workplace, types={id=2, name='Brochure', order=1, label='Brochure'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/resources/desk-booking-brochure@2x.jpg, snippet=Learn how agile workplaces are using real-time desk reservation systems to manage their workforce, link=https://cxapp.com/resources/brochure/desk-booking-for-the-hybrid-workplace, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}

Desk Booking for the Hybrid Workplace
Learn how agile workplaces are using real-time desk reservation systems to manage their workforce
{title=The Connected Workplace Playbook, types={id=1, name='Ebook', order=0, label='Ebook'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/images/resources/card/the-connected-workplace-playbook-ebook@2x.jpg, snippet=See how enterprise mobile apps are quintessential for hybrid teams, link=https://cxapp.com/resources/ebook/connected-workplace-playbook, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}

The Connected Workplace Playbook
See how enterprise mobile apps are quintessential for hybrid teams
{title=The Role of Space Management in a Successful Back-to-Office Strategy, types={id=5, name='Whitepaper', order=4, label='Whitepaper'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/images/resources/card/the-role-of-space-management-whitepaper@2x.jpg, snippet=Why companies are turning to flex space to manage a distributed workforce, link=https://cxapp.com/resources/whitepaper/the-role-of-space-management-in-a-successful-back-to-office-strategy, linkText=View Resource, newTab=1}

The Role of Space Management in a Successful Back-to-Office Strategy
Why companies are turning to flex space to manage a distributed workforce
{title=NFC Overview: Contactless Desk Booking, Room Reservation, and Check-In, types={id=2, name='Brochure', order=1, label='Brochure'}, tags={name=null}, image=null, snippet=Quick view of how NFC tags support desk and room management solutions, link=null, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}
NFC Overview: Contactless Desk Booking, Room Reservation, and Check-In
Quick view of how NFC tags support desk and room management solutions
View Resource
{title=The State of Work, types={id=5, name='Whitepaper', order=4, label='Whitepaper'}, tags={name=null}, image=null, snippet=See how technology, employee apps, and location-aware interactions are shaping the workplace, link=null, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}
The State of Work
See how technology, employee apps, and location-aware interactions are shaping the workplace
View Resource
{title=Tips for Launching A Campus App, types={id=1, name='Ebook', order=0, label='Ebook'}, tags={name=null}, image=null, snippet=Your guide to researching, evaluating, and deploying a mobile employee app, link=null, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}
Tips for Launching A Campus App
Your guide to researching, evaluating, and deploying a mobile employee app
View Resource
{title=Automation in the Workplace, types={id=1, name='Ebook', order=0, label='Ebook'}, tags={name=null}, image=null, snippet=Uncover the top capabilities of automation in the workplace with an integrated app strategy , link=null, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}
Automation in the Workplace
Uncover the top capabilities of automation in the workplace with an integrated app strategy
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{title=Why Workplaces Need a Workplace SuperApp, types={id=6, name='Video', order=5, label='Video'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Feature%20Resource%20Single%20(11).png, snippet=Discover why today's workplaces need a Workplace SuperApp to overcome app overload and elevate day-to-day workflows., link=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/videos/Video%20-%20Meet%20the%20CXApp%20-%20General%20Overview.mp4, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}
Why Workplaces Need a Workplace SuperApp
Discover why today's workplaces need a Workplace SuperApp to overcome app overload and elevate day-to-day workflows.
{title=Workplace Experience - People, Spaces, and Technology, types={id=5, name='Whitepaper', order=4, label='Whitepaper'}, tags={name=null}, image=null, snippet=Explore the connected device approach to the future of work and digital transformation impact, link=null, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}
Workplace Experience - People, Spaces, and Technology
Explore the connected device approach to the future of work and digital transformation impact
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{title=Safer, Smarter Workplaces, types={id=3, name='Success Story', order=2, label='Success Story'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/resources/One-Workplace-Case-Study/one-workplace-case-study@2x.jpg, snippet=How One Workplace redfined its workplace experience with a concierge approach to employee experience, link=https://cxapp.com/resources/case-study/one-workplace, linkText=View Resource, newTab=1}

Safer, Smarter Workplaces
How One Workplace redfined its workplace experience with a concierge approach to employee experience
{title=Your Return to Work Planning Guide, types={id=1, name='Ebook', order=0, label='Ebook'}, tags={name=null}, image=null, snippet=Execute a hybrid workplace experience that makes employees feel safe and confident, link=null, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}
Your Return to Work Planning Guide
Execute a hybrid workplace experience that makes employees feel safe and confident
View Resource
{title=Workplace Technology Guide - Office Reentry, types={id=1, name='Ebook', order=0, label='Ebook'}, tags={name=null}, image=null, snippet=Examine the top features that safely support a successful return to office program, link=null, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}
Workplace Technology Guide - Office Reentry
Examine the top features that safely support a successful return to office program
View Resource
{title=A Plug & Play IT Department Solution, types={id=3, name='Success Story', order=2, label='Success Story'}, tags={name=null}, image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/assets/resources/Palo-Alto-Networks-Case-Study/palo-alto-networks-case-study@2x.jpg, snippet=How Palo Alto Networks streamlined their technology stack with CXApps workplace experience mobile app, link=https://cxapp.com/resources/case-study/palo-alto-networks, linkText=View Resource, newTab=0}

A Plug & Play IT Department Solution
How Palo Alto Networks streamlined their technology stack with CXApps workplace experience mobile app
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Workplace Experience Hub
A path to a better workplace experience is only a click away. Read helpful stories and uncover tips and tricks to better your work life.
Workplace Management,
HR, & IT Approved.

Unlock the full potential of your people, office space, and IoT resources to elevate your business performance.
Here’s how we address the key workplace challenges:

Before CXAI
77% of employees are not fully engaged, costing the global economy US$8.9 trillion.
Source: Gallup
Office space utilization remains under 40% vs. 64% pre-pandemic.
Source: Gallup
13% Mere reported being fully satisfied with their workplace experience.
Source: Gallup

Employee Engagement

Space Utilization

Workplace Experience


Workplace enthusiasm boost with a personalized app that helps people navigate their daily work lives.
Optimized use of office space with spatial mapping and experiential data.

Simplified access to business-critical applications and actions on a single app.

{title=3 Key Strategies for Employee Engagement in a Hybrid Workplace (Clone), date=March 05, 2025, author=CXAI Team, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work, Employee Engagement], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/3%20Key%20Strategies%20for%20Employee%20Engagement%20in%20a%20Hybrid%20Workplace.png, snippet=The expectations of the modern workplace have transformed in many ways over the past few years, but the most notable shift has been the move to hybrid work models. While hybrid work looks different for every company, a commonly shared challenge is ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/employee-engagement-strategies-hybrid-work-0, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}

Hybrid WorkEmployee Engagement
3 Key Strategies for Employee Engagement in a Hybrid Workplace (Clone)
The expectations of the modern workplace have transformed in many ways over the past few years, but the most notable shift has been the move to hybrid work models. While hybrid work looks different for every company, a commonly shared challenge is ...
{title=Three “C”s of Employee Experience at the Leading Silicon Valley Company, date=October 16, 2024, author=CXAI Team, types={name=null}, tags=[Customer Case Study], image=https://cxapp.com/hubfs/Blog%20Image%20-%201140x760%20%284%29.png, snippet=A globally-renowned Silicon Valley technology company recognized for its digital innovation is also celebrated for its stunning workplace experience. It has long been committed to creating a thriving environment for its employees, reflected in ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/employee-experience-at-the-leading-silicon-valley-company, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}

Customer Case Study
Three “C”s of Employee Experience at the Leading Silicon Valley Company
A globally-renowned Silicon Valley technology company recognized for its digital innovation is also celebrated for its stunning workplace experience. It has long been committed to creating a thriving environment for its employees, reflected in ...
{title=High Expectations: Employee Experience in 2025, date=October 08, 2024, author=CXAI Team, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience], image=https://cxapp.com/hubfs/Blog%20Image%20-%201140x760%20%282%29.png, snippet=Ignoring employee engagement comes at a steep price tag. A single, median-size S&P 500 company could be losing between $228 million and $355 million a year on disengagement and attrition, according to a study by McKinsey. Yet creating a great ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/high-expectations-employee-experience-in-2025, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}

Workplace Experience
High Expectations: Employee Experience in 2025
Ignoring employee engagement comes at a steep price tag. A single, median-size S&P 500 company could be losing between $228 million and $355 million a year on disengagement and attrition, according to a study by McKinsey. Yet creating a great ...
{title=Unified Workplace Experience at 50+ Locations After a Corporate Merger, date=September 30, 2024, author=CXAI Team, types={name=null}, tags=[Customer Case Study], image=https://cxapp.com/hubfs/Blog%20Image%20-%201140x760%20%281%29.png, snippet=A corporate merger takes its toll on employees, causing stress and uncertainty. For many people, changing their familiar work environment feels like the first day at a new job – a new office, many new colleagues, and different workplace systems – ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/unified-workplace-experience-with-cxai-at-over-50-locations-after-corporate-merger, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}

Customer Case Study
Unified Workplace Experience at 50+ Locations After a Corporate Merger
A corporate merger takes its toll on employees, causing stress and uncertainty. For many people, changing their familiar work environment feels like the first day at a new job – a new office, many new colleagues, and different workplace systems – ...